Evaluation by Society

External evaluation by health management initiatives

  • Excellent Health Management Corporation 2018
  • We have been accredited jointly by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and Nippon Kenko Kaigi as an excellent Health Management Corporation 2018.(About this.)

    (Accredited on February 20, 2018)

    Press release [PDF:192KB]

  • DBJ Health Management Rating acquired
  • In the DBJ Health Management Ratings implemented by the Development Bank of Japan, we received a top rating, the first for a company in Shizuoka Prefecture.

    (Acquired on November 30, 2017)

    Press release [177KB]

Our company received a health rating-based loan from the Development Bank of Japan in November 2017, and the resulting evaluation was "excellent Initiatives for employee health."

  • Awarded the Governor’s Prize for Health Building Activities
  • Tokai Management Service Corporation, a shared service company in the Tokai Group, was awarded the Governor’s Prize for Health Building Activities from Shizuoka Prefecture. This prize is awarded to organizations which are engaging in prefectural citizen health improvement activities, are expected to continuously play an active role in future, and set an example to others.

    (Awarded on February 19, 2018)

    Press release [63KB]