
Solid Client Base
Expanding from Shizuoka Prefecture and the Kanto region to all of Japan

Become an indispensable part of customers’ lives

TOKAI Group was founded in 1950 as a provider of city gas. Since then we have diversified to provide a broad range of products and services covering various aspects of customers’ daily lives, such as LP gas, Internet, CATV, and Aqua (bottled water delivery).
By actively expanding the Group’s sales area from Shizuoka Prefecture and the Kanto region to the whole of Japan, our customer base has grown to 3.36 million.
Since December 2012, we have been implementing the cross-group membership points system called "TLC Membership Service." By offering additional benefits to our customers (such as bonus points for multiple service subscriptions), we aim to further strengthen our relationship with them.

Growth highlights
  • Winning new customers by expanding our service area
  • Using “TLC Membership Service“ as a hook to promote cross-selling


Comprehensive Services
A diverse service lineup, including LP gas, Internet, Aqua (bottled water delivery), and CATV

One-stop provision of various lifestyle infrastructure services

In April 2011, we integrated management, shifting to a holding company structure in order to create synergy within the Group.
Since then, the Group has provided a wide variety of services related to people's lives and social infrastructure. Behind the spread of these services is a corporate culture that strives to meet all customer needs and to increase customer joy and satisfaction.
As a service that embodies this, we will develop the "TLC Membership Service", a membership system across the group, and further strengthen our ties with customers.

Growth highlights
  • Bolstering the lineup of products and services related to lifestyle infrastructure services
  • Using the TLC membership system to strengthen our connection with customers and to improve customer satisfaction

Comprehensive proposals by the group’s
1.6 thousand local staff

Responding to customer needs, and proposing services that suit each customer

Our 1.6 thousand local staff, armed with tablets, are meeting with individual customers to carefully collect information about customer lifestyles through the TOKAI Smart Check survey, in order to provide services that further support customer lifestyles.
We aim to propose services that meet our customers’ individual needs, and contribute to an even more comfortable lifestyle for our customers.

Growth highlights
  • “TOKAI Smart Check” to understand customer needs
  • 1.6 thousand local staff providing proposals to customers face-to-face