Reduction of food loss/Support for food banks
TOKAI Holdings and TOKAI City Service support so-called food bank organizations/activities, which collect perfectly edible food that would otherwise be thrown away such as non-conforming products arising in manufacturing processes at food companies and supply it free of charge to welfare facilities and other facilities to reduce food loss.

Implementation of activities to prevent traffic accidents
Tokai Gas supports crossing guard activities and a hi-viz backpack campaign to promote road safety in the local community. The Group is also engaged in activities to prevent traffic accidents among employees on an ongoing basis.

Implementation of health management programs (stop-smoking program/walk rally)
Aiming to promote health management more proactively, TOKAI Group established the “TOKAI Group Health Management Charter” which is formed around the 3 main points of “health promotion”, “safety and hygiene”, and “work-style reforms.” Through initiatives which cover topics such as reaching a work-life balance, providing support to successfully manage both child care/nursing care and work, enacting programs to encourage activities by women, and carrying out various health promotion measures, the Group is taking active steps to create workplaces where each and every employee can perform his or her work comfortably, with high energy and enthusiasm.
In particular, we are encouraging all employees to stop smoking and offering an online stop-smoking program and outpatient stop-smoking program, which are either fully or partially funded by us. The Group also provides employees with other health support such as cancer screening, influenza vaccinations, and subsidized dental examinations and treatment.

Provision of support through TOKAI Group Fujisan Scholarship Foundation
TOKAI Holdings established the TOKAI Group Fujisan Scholarship Foundation to provide financial support to undergraduate and graduate students who demonstrate excellence in both academics and character, and cultivate young minds who will enable their local community to grow in the future.

Special sponsorship of the Ninth Symphony "Ode to Joy" Concert with Residents of Shizuoka Prefecture, Presented by TOKAI Group
TOKAI Group has been organizing the Ninth Symphony "Ode to Joy" Concert since 2010-the year which marked the Group's 60th anniversary. The Group aims to promote art and culture within the local community by providing people who do not often go to concerts an opportunity to enjoy live choruses.

Lectures at universities and other educational institutions
TOKAI Group delivers lectures on the significance of working, the skills and mindset required and the environment at Shizuoka University, Shizuoka University of Welfare and Shizuoka Sangyo University.

Offering of work experience and internships
TOKAI Group offers work experience to elementary and junior high school students and internships to potential employees.

Provision of eco-cooking classes/Participation in National Parent-Child Cooking Contest
TOKAI Gas employees with special qualifications visit elementary schools in Yaizu and Fujieda to deliver eco-cooking classes, which teach students to cook without wasting ingredients or energy. TOKAI Gas also participates in the National Parent-Child Cooking Contest in which elementary school students and their parents compete in pairs to promote food education.

Support for education through the GIGA School Program
TOKAI Communications and TOKAI Cable Network participate in the GIGA (Global and Innovation Gateway for All) School Program launched by MEXT, including the development of ICT-based educational environments, to support the idea of "making certain of equitable and individually optimized learning, with no child left behind, by providing one computer per student and high-speed Internet for schools."

Support for education through e-Net Caravan
To protect children whose judging abilities are not fully developed, from internet troubles, TOKAI Cable Network promotes safe and secure use of the Internet as an effective learning tool by providing speakers for the "e-Net Caravan" initiative which runs courses for elementary and junior high school students and guardians and teachers as a measure to educate internet users.

Implementation of Women’s Advancement Project
Members who put themselves forward or were recommended by their departments conduct monthly meetings to share workplace experiences, discuss any issues within the TOKAI Group and consider the kind of measures which need to be taken to make the company a great place to work for both men and women. The Women’s Advancement Project has been running for around a year and will hold a meeting to report the findings of interviews and proposed measures to senior management at the end of its activities.

Implementation of education program to promote women's career advancement
Since 2012, TOKAI Group has been offering a six-month training program to a limited number of women each year aimed at developing tomorrow's female managers to lead the company into the next generation. The program fosters a mindset in women to aim at a managerial position and improves their management skills. The managers of female employees participating in program also take part to learn how to nurture female employees and allow them to demonstrate their individuality. Female employees and their managers share any issues to help the women advance in their careers.

Acquisition of “Platinum Kurumin” certification
TOKAI Group (6 companies: TOKAI Holdings Corporation, TOKAI Corporation, TOKAI Communications Corporation, TOKAI Gas Corporation, TOKAI Cable Network Corporation and TOKAI Management Service Corporation) was awarded Platinum Kurumin certification in May 2019 by the Shizuoka Labor Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare.
Kurumin certification is awarded to progressive parent friendly company under the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children, which, in light of Japan's rapidly declining birth rate, aims to help promote the implementation of initiatives to create healthy environments for childbirth and raising the next generation of children. The Platinum Kurumin certification is granted to Kurumin-certified companies that have carried out initiatives to meet higher standards of accreditation.
The TOKAI Group is implementing work style reforms to realize a work life balance, including supporting employees in balancing childcare, long-term nursing care and work and encouraging employees to take paid leave.

Acquisition of Eruboshi (Third Stage) certification
TOKAI Holdings and TOKAI Management Service received the certification of "Eruboshi (Level 3)" from the Shizuoka Bureau of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare in December 2020 and November 2021.
"Eruboshi" is a certification awarded by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare to applying companies which created general employer action plans or notification of created plans, that meet certain standards and have excellent conditions, etc. for promoting female participation and advancement under the "Act on the Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace," which came into force in April 2016. There are four levels of certification determined by the number of items that meet the criteria of Eruboshi.
TOKAI Group supports the activities of women and other diverse human resources and is improving the workplace environment so that everyone can play an active part.

Expansion of aqua business
TOKAI Group launched a bottled water delivery service in Shizuoka Prefecture using returnable plastic bottles in November 2007 and a disposable bottled water delivery service throughout all of Japan in March 2011. Both services are still popular.
The Group is working to ensure that home delivered water which enhances quality of life and can also be stockpiled for disasters is made available to even more customers in the future.